Inner workings of the REBO water tracker bottle

Our water tracking bottle starts with scientific evidence and builds on it!
According to scientific research and data the adequate daily fluid intake for men is about 3.7 liters and 2.7 liters for women. These recommendations cover the fluid intake that comes from water, other beverages, and food. About 20% of our daily fluid intake comes from food and the rest from beverages.
Our team of hydration experts has devised an algorithm that suits each individual’s fluid intake requirement, not a general rule that does not differentiate between gender, age, and body types. This algorithm is implemented into our water tracker bottle and the REBO app to determine your customized hydration plan.
Different bodies, different needs
We could say everyone has slightly similar but still different needs when it comes to hydration, and that’s because we’re all built differently, and our bodies change as we grow older.
The amount of water you need also changes dynamically depending on the physical activities you do. A long-distance runner, for example, will lose fluids more rapidly than someone whose daily fluid release comes from a yin-yoga and meditation practice.
The amount of water you need also depends on other factors such as your diet, the actual temperature or season, and your overall health. Or, perhaps you are a new mom nursing a baby. You’ll need more water to stay hydrated, after all, your body is doing the work for two.
You get the idea! You may need more water than someone else and it is important to determine exactly how much you need. Our water tracking bottle determines your exact requirement and helps you stay properly hydrated throughout the day.

Staying hydrated with REBO: More than just a water tracker bottle
REBO water bottle is more than just a water bottle that measures water intake; the algorithm uses average recommended values and your specific biometric data to see how it impacts your hydration needs. The resulting hydration plan is customized according to your gender, age, height, weight, and lifestyle.
Did you know?
Did you know that the human brain is 73% water? Anyone who’s seen the 1996 Hollywood classic, Jerry Mcguire, starring Tom Cruise, Renée Zellweger and Cuba Gooding Jr. knows that the human head weighs 8lbs. But did you know that 8lb head is full of water weight? 73% of the human brain is water, and that’s not even the wettest of our organs. Our lungs contain 83% water.
Where does water go in the body?
In addition to ensuring we’re not thirsty, constipated, or tired, the water we drink is literally giving life to our vital organs. Our lungs are made up of a whopping 83% water, followed by our kidneys and muscles each containing 79% water. Our brain and heart each contain 73% water, our liver 71%, our skin contains 64% and our bones-- even they are made up of 31% water. Let’s now assume we are healthy with optimally hydrated organs. Our bodies would experience water outputs that are approximately equal to our inputs. That would look like something this:
Estimated daily water inputs to the body
70-80% in fluids consumed
20-30% in foods
100% (~2/2.5L)
Estimated daily water outputs from the body
60% Urine
18% Sweat
14% Breathing
8% Faeces
100% (~2/2.5L)

The hydration "economy"
Think about it like our monthly budget or bank account. We have different needs and expenses that require the same thing: money! When we get paid, that paycheck gets divided up to pay things like: your housing, groceries, gym membership, gifts you buy for yourself and others … but what happens when we overspend? Maybe we have savings in reserve somewhere, but rarely is living on savings long-term sustainable.
It’s the same with water. We need to drink enough, each day, to meet our body’s needs.
If we are not healthy and hydrated, but instead some degree of dehydrated, the inputs and outputs wouldn’t balance and you risk essential organs not getting the life support they need.