Committed to transparency through certifications

Climate Neutral committed in production and distribution
Climate Neutral is a reputable and recognizable certification and label that helps you consider the climate impacts of products you buy. Perhaps you’ve seen it shopping for your favorite brands?
On a mission to decrease global carbon emissions, Climate Neutral developed standards for businesses to accurately measure, offset and reduce carbon emissions resulting from their activities.
By using Climate Neutral’s software tool, REBO knows exactly how much carbon we emit during production and distribution. Climate Neutral matches us with verified carbon credit projects, so we buy offset credits making REBO carbon-neutral.
Learn more about Climate Neutral
Sound familiar? REBO generates credits offering companies the opportunity to offset their plastic pollution just like we do for carbon!
Certified Gold Standard for the Global Goals
The Gold Standard certification for the Global Goals outlines how projects can quantify, certify and amplify impacts according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, commonly referred to as the SDGs.
REBO enlisted the expertise of the Gold Standard to design REBO for maximum impact against:
SDG #12 - Responsible Consumption and Production;
SDG #13- Climate Action;
SDG #14- Life Below Water
We identified baseline assessments and devised a monitoring and reporting plan aligned with the SDGs. The Gold Standard independently verifies, certified our outcomes.
See REBO on the Gold Standard Impact Registry
Becoming a certified project of the Gold Standard for the Global Goals meant once again taking out the flashlight and magnifying glass to examine every aspect of our business. Including a deep-dive into the actions of our suppliers.
Our Gold Standard certification allows REBO to sustainably issue credits as you drink from your REBO bottle a stainless steel smart water bottle.
Gold Standard is the governing body that pours over our process and data. It approves the number of credits issued and sold to finance the collection of plastic waste.

REBO achieved first-level Certified B Corp status
B Corps are a new kind of business. One that balances purpose and profits. When making decisions, B Corps are legally required to consider the impacts on workers, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment. It’s not just about profits and shareholder-value-- contrary to what they taught in business schools a few years ago!
When we created REBO, we made sure our bylaws met all B Corp requirements. But that alone didn’t grant us status. To become a B Corp, we are walking the talk!
REBO underwent a rigorous B-Impact Assessment. Everything about our business was examined and proven to offer positive outcomes. From our operations and business model to our supply chain, input materials and how workers are treated.
We’re thrilled to join the B Corp community of global leaders bringing much needed win-win solutions to the world.
Learn more about Certified B Corps and the B-Impact Assessment