World Water Day 2022
Learn about the 3 actions you can take today to make a difference.

Having access to clean water is essential to living a healthy life. Water is needed for drinking, food preparations and sanitation. Millions of people die in developing countries due to waterborne diseases caused by the lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. Today, 2 billion people are currently living without access to safe water.Today, we could say that humanity faces one of the greatest challenges in regard to its freshwater supply. Only 2.5% of the world’s water supply is freshwater and humans need a lot of it for agriculture, industry, drinking, and sanitation. It is estimated that the current deficit in supply will worsen to 40% by the year 2030 due to the exponential growth of the human population and the pollution and irresponsible use of our freshwater reserves The main causes of the water crisis are overuse, increasing demand due to the rise in world population, pollution, poor water management, lack of infrastructure, and changes in weather patterns due to global warming. Therefore, it is paramount to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater and to identify actions that we can all take to make a difference.
What is World Water Day?
World Water Day is an annual United Nations (UN) observance day established in 1993 and held on March 22 . Its goal is to highlight the importance of freshwater and to advocate for its sustainable management. This day brings to light the inequality of access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and the need to assure the human right to water and sanitation.
The theme for World Water Day 2022
Each year a new theme is selected in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, this goal is about granting everyone in the world access to clean water and sanitation by 2030. The theme for World Water Day 2022 is GROUNDWATER: MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE. This year's attention is drawn to the importance of groundwater, a significant but often undermined resource. Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. Indeed, almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater. As climate change gets worse, groundwater will become more and more critical. Thus, we need to work together to sustainably manage this precious resource.
What is groundwater and where does it come from?
Our commitment to ensure access to clean water for everyone demands that we look to other freshwater sources. Groundwater is water that is found between gaps in rocks, soil, and sediment underground. It gets there when water from the surface and rain leak into the ground forming aquifers; it's all part of the water cycle. Groundwater already supplies around 50% of the world's drinking water. It can leave the ground by means of extraction wells or it can flow into the surface. Unfortunately, groundwater is not always sustainably extracted; It is becoming a scarce resource due to over-extraction, pollution, and climate changes affecting the water cycle. It is clear that humans should work together to better manage this precious resource.
5 actions you can take today to make a difference
There is a need for the joint effort of individuals, businesses, and the government to provide the necessary support to solve the global water crisis. We have identified 3 actions that you can take today to make a difference.
1. Donate to charitable organizations
You can donate to several charities or organizations that are particularly committed to solving the water crisis, such as WaterAid, UNICEF, UNHCR, and Charity Water and many more. You can make a one-time donation or donate monthly. Even one small donation can make have a big impact.
2. Stop water waste
You can make a conscious effort to reduce water waste. There are various ways to do so, such as: - Taking shorter showers. A typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute. Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash down and rise off. - Turning off the tap while doing dishes or brushing teeth when water is not needed - Reusing water. Instead of letting clean water down the drain, capture some of it and reuse it to wash your hands, water your potted plant, water your backyard garden or even rinse your vegetables.
3. Choose recycled goods whenever possible
When shopping for groceries or buying clothes it is always better to buy recycled. These goods don’t require as much water and energy to manufacture. Energy savings also means less greenhouse emissions which have an impact on climate change. As we know, climate change directly affects our water resources.
4. Get the word out
Remember people are the key element in helping to protect our freshwater resources, so get the word out and spread consciousness about the need to preserve groundwater, an invisible yet precious resource. Use social media to spread knowledge and awareness on the subject. At REBO, we want our steel smart water bottle to become part of an arsenal of tools that will help you become more sustainable than ever. Rebo water bottle is not only a reusable bottle; it is a next-generation smart bottle that’s been designed to fight plastic pollution, aid with climate change, and keep you healthy and hydrated
5. Take the 1 minute challenge
Participating in the World Water Day 2022 - One Minute Challenge is very simple and free of charge. Follow these simple steps: 1. Shoot a 60-second video in which you explain: - how does groundwater affect your life - whether is there enough and it is safe - what do you think needs to be done to protect groundwater 2. Upload your groundwater story to YouTube or Vimeo 3. Share the video on social media using the hashtag #MyGroundwaterStory and #WorldWaterDay 4. Send the link at by 20 November 2022. Your video might be selected to be screened at the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater in December 2022 Download the challenge guidelines here. Whichever action you choose to take, make sure to leave a positive impact on your community and take one step further towards leaving this world a better place. Small actions add up and eventually become the desired change we all want.
What happens on World Water Day?
During world water day, people show support for the better management of our water resources and celebrate in a variety of ways. Many events take place which can be educational, musical, theatrical, and even money fundraisers for water projects. Many organisations in the sector use the day to raise public awareness, get media exposure, and inspire people to take action. The UN’s campaign during this day is meant to raise awareness among the public about water usage, the need for sustainable management of our water systems, and how it affects climate change. Water extraction, treatment, and transportation require lots of energy producing millions of tons of CO2 emissions annually. By using water more efficiently, we can all help to reduce greenhouse gases. Also on world water day, the UN releases its World Water Development Report, a comprehensive report with information on the annual theme.