Top 10 positive effects of drinking enough water daily
How one simple habit can transform your life

What are the benefits of drinking enough water daily?
Experts may say that there is evidence about what are the benefits of drinking enough water and about the benefits of drinking enough water daily. What are the benefits of drinking enough water daily? We know that water is necessary for the correct functioning of the body system. But just drinking is not enough: we also need to drink a proper amount of water daily. Some people drink just the necessary because they don’t like water, or it bored them. This can result in dehydration: migraines, fatigue, weight gain… and even worse symptoms. But water is not just a kind of fuel that allows our body to function. It also brings us many other benefits. A good tip to remind you to drink water if you have one of the stainless steel smart water bottle.
What are 10 benefits of drinking enough water?
Now you can read some tips on the health benefits from drinking enough water and why you may consider the benefits of drinking enough water everyday as part of your habits to build a healthy lifestyle.
1. It keeps you healthy
A great aspect to consider for you to include water, in a good recipient with convenient applications, as a part of your daily routines. We need water to live. Thanks to water our body can function, and that is the first benefit you will find. When you don't drink enough water on a daily basis, you can have very serious problems such as:
- digestive problems: digestion may be slowed down
- diabetes: it may raise its level
- weight gain: it may be difficult to burn fat
- skin problems: it may be dehydrated
- high cholesterol: it worsened its level
- fatigue: makes you feel tired
- constipation: it may affect to the immune system
- brain and body malfunction: it may cause they don’t work well
- high blood pressure: can be affected for the dehydration
Of course, not drinking any water is fatal and can lead to death in just 3 days.
2. It helps your digestion
It is important to consider your rebo water bottle as a good solution to achieve the benefits of drinking enough water everyday. Water has a very important role during digestion. It lubricates the intestines, it breaks down food, and it ensures that every residue passes correctly to… well, outside the body. One of the symptoms of dehydration is, in fact, constipation, since feces contain a big amount of water.Another healthy way of boosting digestion is by cutting unhealthy meals and eating more vegetables and fruits, especially if they are rich in fiber.
3. It helps you lose weight
We have already talked about this in our post about how drinking water can help you lose weight. But we would say it again: drinking water helps fat oxidation, gives you a fulfilling sensation and boosts your metabolism. This happens because water helps dilute sugar in your blood, leading to a reduced calorie intake. Plus, it takes space in your stomach, so you will be less hungry. Besides, not drinking enough water has the opposite effect: it could lead to weight gain. You will get fatigued more easily, your metabolism will slow and you will find it more difficult to get rid of fat. A simple fact is that a person can easily confuse hunger with being thirsty, trying to eat something when actually what they need is to drink something. Reason enough to always take your stainless-steel water bottle.
4. It helps your skin stay hydrated
This is a key for the health of the skin and a visual test of the benefits of drinking water. Water can hydrate your skin from the inside, making it look glowier and healthier. Scientists agree that a proper hydration can and will help with acne, getting rid of bad toxins and grease, and even helping your body regenerate acne scars. Keep in mind that water can help your skin stay hydrated, but is not an aging antidote. Some celebrities have spread rumours about how drinking lots of water can help you look younger. There is no scientific evidence that can prove this. Aging is a natural process and there is no magic against it.
5. It gets rid of the toxins in your body
Toxins in our body are neutralized and eliminated through our digestive system, kidneys and pores. In this sense, consuming a good amount of water (this amount can differ from one person to another) improves the elimination of waste or excess fat. In addition, it hydrates the organs and contributes to their proper functioning.You may wonder if drinking water infused with lemon, tea or other ingredients such as cucumber or mint can be better for detoxing. Scientists say that, actually, infused water is not very different from normal water for detoxing. “The other substances in there provide health benefits that are probably minimal” said Dr. Donald Hensrud, a nutrition researcher at the Mayo Clinic. Water not only helps organs, muscles and joints to function well but also allows the body to regulate the temperature and metabolism. That is relevant when practicing sport and thanks to that it's possible to eliminate toxins without dehydration, once again better to keep water by hand to avoid dehydration.
6. It boost your immunologic system
Water is vital and plays a lead role in keeping our immune systems functioning at an optimal level. "Water carries important components of the immune system, including nutrients, to their destinations and removes waste from the organs, that is, the products of our daily metabolism, derived from the consumption of food and its transformation into energy.", says Dr. Jyothi Tirumalasetty, associate professor of medicine in the department of clinical immunology and allergy at the UCLA Health University Clinic. If not removed, this waste has the potential to become toxic and weaken the immune system.
7. It regulates your body temperature
Water plays an important role as a thermoregulator, cooling the overall body temperature by dissipating heat. If the body becomes too hot, it loses water through sweat. This causes an evaporation on the surface of the skin, which dissipates heat from the body. So, as you see, sweating is the most effective way to prevent the body from overheating. Drinking is very important in extreme weather, meaning: when it is too hot in summer or when you live in a country where temperatures are very high. Heath waves kill 1.300 people per year, so imagine how important it is to stay hydrated.
8. It prevents headaches
Headaches are a symptom of dehydration. If you spend a few hours without drinking and doing exercise or working and you start to feel a headache, it could be caused by a lack of water mixed with fatigue. But you can get rid of it by drinking. Normally, headaches caused by dehydration go away 30 minutes after drinking. On the other hand, water can be very helpful if you suffer from migraine. A person who suffers from chronic migraine knows that he would have an attack from time to time (sometimes daily). But the risk is multiplied by certain factors, like not drinking water. A study conducted by different experts and published in the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience showed that the severity of migraine disability, pain severity, headache frequency, and duration of headaches were significantly lower in migraine patients who consumed more water.
9. It lubricates your joints
Long-term dehydration can reduce the shock absorption capacity of the joints, thus causing joint pain. Drinking water is the easiest way to maintain joints and tendons in perfect condition. Proper hydration will facilitate greater mobility and a better predisposition to exercise, giving our tissues more life and youth.
10. It maintains sodium balance
Water can dilute sodium from our blood stream. The World Health Organisation says that “High sodium intake (> 2 grams / day, equivalent to 5 grams of salt per day) and insufficient potassium absorption (less than 3.5 grams per day) contribute to high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease and brain damage”. Having a diet low in sodium and drinking enough water daily can help our blood pressure.
¿What happens if you drink a good amount of water everyday?
To drink a good amount of water everyday means a different amount of water for each one, since each person has a singular metabolism and different needs to meet. Studies show that adults frequently need to drink more water. These people find useful apps and tools which help them to remind them to drink. ¿Do you actually benefit from drinking water daily? There are some tips to follow and control the amount of water you drink. Including daily routines may help to build the habit of drinking water regularly. Some of them consist of drinking water with meals, instead of drinking another thing, or being hydrated when practicing exercise or doing so when there is hot weather, like too sunny or humid weather. Also, eating more fruits and vegetables or carrying a reusable water bottle, like a stainless steel water bottle, may accomplish the goal of drinking water frequently. And doing so, you will be boosting your health.
¿How much drink should I drink a day?
The amount of water a person drinks in a day may be different. It will depend on factors like, physical conditions, metabolism, the amount and intensity of activity and exercise, characteristics of the diet, amongst others. In general terms, experts recommend 2.7 L for adult women and 3.7 L for adult men, of drinking water. ¿Easy to reach them or not?