Does drinking water help your skin?
Our skin is responsible for the protection of the body from pollution, temperature, or germs. Not only prevents us from dehydration but it usually shows in public certain habits we may have, apart from genetics, which include those related to hydration.

Our skin is responsible for the protection of the body from pollution, temperature, or germs. Not only prevents us from dehydration but it usually shows in public certain habits we may have, apart from genetics, which include those related to hydration. When it comes to hydration, there are many, many benefits. One that you may find very appealing is that drinking water can help your skin look better. Yes, hydration is not only important for keeping thirst away. It can also make us look more beautiful! But you may wonder - how can water improve my skin? What are the benefits? Wonder no more; in REBO we have done the work and the research. Allow us to show you each and every skin benefit of drinking enough water throughout the day to discover how does drinking water help your skin and some myths that are not true in relation to this..
Why is drinking water important for your skin?
A study conducted by the University of Hamburg called “Effect of fluid intake on skin physiology: distinct differences between drinking mineral water and tap water” proved that the skin changes when a person starts drinking 2 litres per day of water, increasing its thickness. But here is a question. ¿Does drinking lots of water help your skin? When you drink water you are hydrating your skin from the inside, making it look more soft and glowy. That is why proper hydration is important if you want to keep your face and body radiant. That is true. We all need to drink water enough to stay healthy and that is going to make the skin look pretty good. When it comes to the fact that drinking water does really help your skin, down below you can read the way drinking more water does help in your skin.
This is how water affects your skin
The skin is formed by three layers: - The exterior layer (epidermis). This is the part of the skin that is visible. - The layer inside the epidermis (dermis). - The subcutaneous layer. These three layers act like a wall that protects our bodies. When the epidermis doesn’t have enough water, it can lose elasticity and glowiness. These results, however, can be reverted when drinking. Picture this: have you ever gone to a party where you have drunk too much alcohol, but zero water? How did your skin feel the next day? Normally, when we have a hangover, our skin feels a little too dry, or even ashy and dull. That is a symptom of dehydration and a consequence of how not drinking water -and having other substances instead- can affect your skin. There are rumours about how drinking 8 glasses of water may help you prevent wrinkles. This is not true. Studies like "Water, hydration, and health” show the toll that extreme cases can have on the skin, such as making it look bad and aged. However, they state that hydration “is not sufficient to prevent wrinkles or other signs of ageing, which are related to genetics and to the sun and environmental damage”. To sum up, drinking water can affect your skin on a daily basis - how it looks, how it feels. But not how it ages. This is one of the myths related to drinking water to improve the skin. Regarding diminishing wrinkles and pores and that is false. It can help with hydration and by eliminating toxins, which affect in a way on skin beauty. It does not work as a magic pill and so it will not produce miracles, such as to make wrinkles disappear, but having a good hydration by drinking enough water reduces the risk of them appearing on your skin.
4 real benefits of drinking water for your skin
1. It hydrates your skin
The first real benefit that you will encounter has already been told: it hydrates your skin. As we had said earlier, if the epidermis is not hydrated it could lose elasticity. This causes the skin to look dull and dry. However, you can avoid this with the correct hydration. By drinking water and applying a good skin care routine you will make your face glow from the outside and from the inside. By drinking enough water the skin is able to absorb part of it and that rebounds on the tone of the skin, so it looks better. While aging, the skin loses the ability to maintain hydration, and does not have the capacity to produce collagen as before, losing elasticity and density. It is essential to recover those abilities, and a person can contribute to part of them by drinking water, it does help with the skin and its hydration to solve that problem.
2. It helps you eliminate toxins
Water purifies toxins and cells, hydrating your skin as you drink. Our body is very wise, and it always gets rid of substances that could harm our system. To do so, it implies our colon, liver and kidneys. When it comes to making these organs work, water has a major role. When you drink a proper amount of water you are helping your body get rid of toxins, and this can improve your skin, since the outside is a mirror of the inside.
3. It helps you get rid of acne
When it comes to acne, water is one of your best allies. On one hand, it keeps you hydrated and get rid of toxins, water can take away all the grease and the bacteria that clog your pores. On the other hand, hydration maintains the levels of collagen that help your skin elasticity. This means that it can help you recover from an acne pimple more quickly. But the most important factor of drinking water is that it can help you maintain a low sugar level in your blood. You may know that eating too much sugar can make your skin break out. However, with proper hydration, this could be avoided -given that the sugar income is not too high. In spite of this, please note that just by drinking water you won’t get rid of severe acne. If you are really struggling with this, we suggest going to a dermatologist. Nonetheless, water is great for preventing a possible breakout and maintaining your skin clean and pimple free.
4. It helps you prevent fatigue
Fatigue is one of the main causes of dull and ashy skin. Sometimes, fatigue is caused by a lack of sleep (less than 8 hours) and, sometimes, fatigue is caused by dehydration. When you drink as much water as needed, you can prevent feeling fatigued (as well as feeling dizzy or having headaches). In consequence, your skin will look good, glowy and beautiful.
How much water should you drink to have perfect skin?
The World Health Organization (WHO) says that the amount of water recommended is two litres per day. However, the amount of water recommended can change from one person to another. For example, if you are a very active type of person and you do two hours of exercise every day, you will need more than two litres. This has been stated by many organizations that are cited in the 2004 WHO study: “Water Requirements, Impinging Factors, and Recommended Intakes”. Some of these institutions say that the amount of water recommended for a person changes depending on their age, gender, weight and environment. A person who practices more exercise or who sweats a lot more than another will need to drink a higher amount of water than others with lower activity or who practice fewer sports.People in elderly or who live under high temperatures need to do an upper intake of water and monitor their drinking of water to stay hydrated. Remember the benefits of water for your skin and think about the symptoms which can be a good advisor for dehydration. Headache, lack of concentration or hunger may be signaling a need for drinking water. Don’t forget other sources of water intakes besides drinking water. By eating fruit, vegetables, juices and more you can add proper hydration to your diet. Would you like to know how much water should you really drink? In REBO we have developed an app that designs a customized hydration plan according to the personal characteristics of the user. Also, when connected to your Apple Health or Google Fit, the app can tell you if you need to drink more water after doing exercise. Remember that drinking water will not only help your skin look better, it will also benefit your body and health, so tracking down your hydration is very important! If you use a stainless steel smart water bottle, it could help you to remind. With rebo water bottles you will not miss the opportunity to drink with easy reminders, such as the steel smart water bottle so you can control your level of hydration and the quality of water. Not only is it important the amount of drinking water you do but the quality of drinking water you make. This is one of the main features of REBO water bottles, you can benefit they don’t have BPA and have been certified BPA-free.