Climate Neutral Certified
We join 243 other brands that have earned this certification by measuring and offsetting all of their 2020 carbon emissions and reducing future emissions.

We join 243 other brands that have earned this certification by measuring and offsetting all of their 2020 carbon emissions and reducing future emissions.
What is the carbon footprint?
The carbon footprint is a measure that expresses in CO2 equivalent the total greenhouse gas emissions associated directly or indirectly with a product, organization or service.
This is measured in tCO2e (tonnes of CO2 equivalent), which expresses the effect produced by greenhouse gases in relation to the one produced by CO2. For instance, in 2020 the production and shipment of our REBO Smart Bottle caused the emission of greenhouse gases equal to a carbon footprint of 480 tCO2e.
The disastrous impact that greenhouse gases have on our planet has led us and a lot of other companies around the world to work toward carbon neutrality.

What is carbon neutrality
A company is carbon neutral when it has a climate impact equal to zero, which means having a balance between greenhouse gas emissions generated and reabsorbed emissions.
In order to do so these companies conduct the analysis and accounting of their CO2 emissions and define a carbon management system aimed at identifying and implementing actions to reduce emission using low-carbon technologies. These reduction measures can be supplemented by carbon neutrality measures, which can be achieved through activities aimed at compensating these emissions (e.g. planting of trees, production of renewable energy, buying carbon credits).
In our case, the entire carbon footprint of 2020 was offset buying verified carbon credits. Moreover, REBO Smart Bottle is implementing a Reduction Action Plan to reduce emissions from within our operations and supply chain by using only recycled cardboard for our packaging and by removing any additional packaging layer such as polybag. Furthermore, we will select only suppliers able to provide 100% recycled and recyclable materials and we will design the packaging in a way not to use additional layers. Finally, we plan to reduce the emissions associated with transportation, optimizing the product and the packaging to reduce their weight.
What is a carbon credit?
Carbon credits are tradable certificates that compensate for a company’s emission of a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. One credit compensates for the emission of a mass equal to one ton of carbon dioxide.
Companies that are virtuous in their operations or that reduce the amount of CO2 in the environment, are allowed to emit carbon credits. These are certified from organizations like GoldStandard (that also certifies REBO for the plastic impact reduction). These credits are traded in two different markets: institutional and voluntary. The institutional market delivers on the buying/selling activities for certain companies within the emission limitations/obligations set by their state in line with the Kyoto protocols. The voluntary, is connected to carbon neutrality, and it is about companies, like ourselves, voluntarily deciding to buy credits to be net zero by compensating for their emissions.
Why does it matter?
Climate change is a reality, already affecting our planet with extreme weather conditions such as drought, heat waves, heavy rain, floods and landslides. Other consequences of the rapidly changing climate include rising sea levels, ocean acidification and loss of biodiversity. In order to limit global warming to levels suggested by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) carbon neutrality by mid-21st century is essential. For this reason 195 countries, including the EU and US, committed to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 signing the Paris agreement in 2015.
However, this ambitious but important international goal will be achieved only if each company, big or small, decides to do its part becoming carbon neutral. And we have decided to do our part well ahead of 2050.
Climate Neutral Certified
Climate Neutral is a leading consumer label designating carbon neutrality. It is carried by brands that have voluntarily stepped up to take responsibility for the greenhouse gas emissions generated in the production, operations, and shipping of their goods and services.
Climate Neutral’s certification is based on internationally recognized standards for carbon measurement, neutrality, and offsetting. Each brand must measure Scope 1, 2, and 3 cradle-to-customer greenhouse gas emissions for the prior calendar year. Then a brand must buy verified carbon credits to offset its entire footprint. This directs investment into critical carbon sequestration projects such as forest conservation, renewable energy, and carbon capture technologies. Finally, brands commit to a reduction action plan to cut future emissions within a 12-24 month timeline, reporting progress on those plans annually. All of the brand’s data is publicly available on Climate Neutral’s website. The process is repeated annually when companies must recertify.