10 ways to know you’re dehydrated - and the last 3 will shock you!
The fact is plastic is an integral and important part of the global economy. It’s widespread and popular...

Why is it important to stay hydrated?
Benefits of drinking water. We all know that water is good for us, right? We’ve been told that staying hydrated is good for our skin, our hair… that being properly hydrated improves our athletic performance and overall well-being. But do we really know why? A quest to understand hydration took me on a virtual journey from the halls of Harvard Medical School to world-renown medical centers like the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic. Seeking cold-hard-hydration-facts, I came to a simple conclusion: Getting enough water throughout the day is important for everything in our bodies to function. From heart to brain, digestion, muscles, skin, and bones... It all starts with being adequately hydrated. It is not only about quenching thirst which is the most obvious benefit. In short, our bodies depend on water to survive.
To break it down, some obvious benefits of staying hydrated are:
- quenching thirst,
- keeping your skin healthy,
- flushing waste, toxins, and bacteria from your system,
- helping digestion and preventing constipation, and
- regulating your body temperature
Less obvious, yet equally important, benefits to getting enough water go beyond what we see and feel.
Our bodies need water to:
- deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells,
- maintain blood pressure and stabilize heartbeat,
- protect joints, organs, and tissues, and
- balances essential minerals like sodium, calcium, and potassium which are vital to key body functions.
So, what does all of this mean? Simply put, when we drink enough water, all the systems in our bodies are more likely to work properly. Our immune system is prepared to defend us. Our brain functions, like memory and concentration, stay sharp. Alert. When we don’t drink enough water, we risk dehydration. This means that our bodies don’t have enough fluid to operate properly which can lead to serious health problems.
How to know if you are dehydrated, signs and symptoms
Fortunately, our bodies have a way of telling us when something is wrong. Out of whack. We begin to feel physical symptoms soon after we stop drinking fluids. If you are wondering how do you know if you are dehydrated, the following are physical signs and symptoms of dehydration:
- Infrequent, dark urination. Paying attention to the color of your urine is the easiest way to know if you’re dehydrated. Pale-to-clear urine means you’re hydrated. Dark urine means you need to drink more water.
- Thirst! Thirst is a sure sign that you’re dehydrated but it’s NOT the best hydration indicator because if you’re thirsty- you’re already dehydrated. Thirst is your body’s way of telling you to drink up!
- Dry mouth. Dry mouth happens when the salivary glands in your mouth don’t produce enough saliva. This usually happens because there isn’t enough fluid in your body, a.k.a, you’re dehydrated.
- Constipation. Water is critical to removing waste from the body. As digested food travels from our stomach, our large intestine soaks up water. Without enough water, the process slows.
- Headaches. Dehydration is a known trigger for headaches. If you suffer from them, try increasing your water intake.
- Frequent sickness. Drinking enough water is one of our body’s top defenses against illnesses like the flu, viruses, and common colds. A worn-down immune system needs plenty of fluids to re-arm itself.
- Dull, dry skin. Our skin relies on water to purge toxins from the body. When skin gets dehydrated it can become uneven. Blemishes and premature wrinkles can appear.
Dehydration can also rear its ugly head in mental and emotional ways. Believe it or not, if you’re dehydrated you may also be:
- 8. Feeling tired, notice increased fatigue, irritability, and overall low energy levels
- 9. Experiencing memory loss and
- 10. Having difficulty concentrating. Those zoom calls aren’t all boring… your lack of focus maybe something else like a lack of water.
Dehydration for prolonged periods of time can contribute to countless health issues. Painful urinary tract infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, fatal heart disease, and strokes, can all be attributed in part to dehydration in the body. Yikes. Staying hydrated starts with drinking the right amount of water, each day.
Some other facts to consider about dehydration
We are mostly made of water. It accounts for more than half of our body weight, and we lose it every day through physical activity, when we walk, go to the bathroom, and even when we breathe. Keep an eye on the following fact which may affect your requirements for hydration: - The sensation of thirst decreases as we age. Our brain is not able to send thirst signals as effectively as it used to, which is why many adults do not drink enough fluids. -The chances of dehydration also increase with the intensity of the physical work we are doing, which is why it is important to drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising. - Certain medical conditions, being pregnant, or sick also affect the rate at which we lose fluids and increase our chances of dehydration. - A bit more obvious fact is that the temperature and humidity of your environment also affect the rate at which your body loses fluids.
How much water should I drink?
That brings us to the very important question of just how much water should we drink? How much water is enough? Or too much? Unfortunately, there is not a one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone is different. It depends on things like your height and weight. Your gender. Your lifestyle. Maybe you’re an athlete committed to running ten-miles every day, rain or shine. The amount of water your body needs to replace the sweat lost will be different from someone whose daily release comes from a yin-yoga and meditation practice. Or, perhaps you’re a new mom. Your birthing and breastfeeding chapters of life will cause you to have totally different hydration needs than your life before baby! Your hydration needs change dramatically as you progress from adolescence into adulthood. You get the idea. Not only does everyone have different hydration needs, but those needs change throughout our own lives! That’s why it’s extremely important to use a hydration tracker. Especially if you’re not sure how much water your body needs-- and if you’re experiencing any signs of dehydration.
How to know if you are dehydrated with a sustainable hydration tracker
A daily hydration tracker lets you input characteristics specific to you. Physical traits and activity levels. With that, it calculates how much water you need to stay adequately hydrated. The REBO water bottle comes equipped with one of the best hydration trackers available based on scientific research and is able to sync with popular health apps like Google, or Apple health. Integrating with apps you already use enables a hydration tracker to dynamically update as your activity levels change. One to consider is made by REBO. In addition to using a scientific algorithm and syncing with health apps… it can send you notifications during the day. Reminding you to drink-up to prevent risking dehydration. If that isn’t enough REBO is a steel smart water bottle that is truly sustainable. It has been constructed in a way that all of its components can be easily dismantled and recycled and the end of their life. Not only is it recyclable but REBO also enables you to fight plastic pollution. For every REBO you drink, the collection of one plastic bottle is funded.
How to know if you are dehydrated with a sustainable hydration tracker
Now that you know so much about hydration, it’s time to put all that knowledge to good use. How do you know if you are dehydrated? How do you accomplish your hydration goals? Hopefully, the following tips will help you build some good hydration habits to get you going with your hydration goals: - Build a habit of carrying a water container with you during the day. Also, avoid disposable plastic bottles when possible. An even better option would be to carry a steel smart water bottle such as a REBO to track your water intake as you go. - Although plain water is recommended, you don’t really need to drink plain water to stay hydrated. Instead, you can try adding a slice of orange or lemon to your water. - Avoid too much caffeine and other diuretic drinks that may cause you to go to the bathroom too often and lose fluids. - Drink from water fountains or tap water when possible. It’s free! The REBO smart app will tell you which water fountains are close to your location.
Download the REBO Hydration Tracker for free and see how maintaining proper hydration changes your life!